Cyber Defense Advisors

Year: 2024

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  • August 13, 2024

Why Hardsec Matters: From Protecting Critical Services to Enhancing Resilience

Traditionally, the focus has been on defending against digital threats such as malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks by detecting them and responding. However, as cyber threats become more sophisticated. There is a growing recognition of the importance of measures that stop new attacks before they are recognized. With high-value assets, it’s not good enough to […]

Cyber News
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  • August 13, 2024

FBI Shuts Down Dispossessor Ransomware Group’s Servers Across U.S., U.K., and Germany

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Monday announced the disruption of online infrastructure associated with a nascent ransomware group called Radar/Dispossessor. The effort saw the dismantling of three U.S. servers, three United Kingdom servers, 18 German servers, eight U.S.-based criminal domains, and one German-based criminal domain. Dispossessor is said to be led by […]

Cyber News
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  • August 13, 2024

Ukraine Warns of New Phishing Campaign Targeting Government Computers

The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) has warned of a new phishing campaign that masquerades as the Security Service of Ukraine to distribute malware capable of remote desktop access. The agency is tracking the activity under the name UAC-0198. More than 100 computers are estimated to have been infected since July 2024, including […]

Cyber News
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  • August 12, 2024

How Phishing Attacks Adapt Quickly to Capitalize on Current Events

In 2023, no fewer than 94 percent of businesses were impacted by phishing attacks, a 40 percent increase compared to the previous year, according to research from Egress. What’s behind the surge in phishing? One popular answer is AI – particularly generative AI, which has made it trivially easier for threat actors to craft content […]

Cyber News
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  • August 12, 2024

Researchers Uncover Vulnerabilities in Solarman and Deye Solar Systems

Cybersecurity researchers have identified a number of security shortcomings in photovoltaic system management platforms operated by Chinese companies Solarman and Deye that could enable malicious actors to cause disruption and power blackouts. “If exploited, these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to control inverter settings that could take parts of the grid down, potentially causing blackouts,” […]

Cyber News
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  • August 12, 2024

The AI Hangover is Here – The End of the Beginning

After a good year of sustained exuberance, the hangover is finally here. It’s a gentle one (for now), as the market corrects the share price of the major players (like Nvidia, Microsoft, and Google), while other players reassess the market and adjust priorities. Gartner calls it the trough of disillusionment, when interest wanes and implementations […]

Cyber News
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  • August 12, 2024

FreeBSD Releases Urgent Patch for High-Severity OpenSSH Vulnerability

The maintainers of the FreeBSD Project have released security updates to address a high-severity flaw in OpenSSH that attackers could potentially exploit to execute arbitrary code remotely with elevated privileges. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-7589, carries a CVSS score of 7.4 out of a maximum of 10.0, indicating high severity. “A signal handler in sshd(8) […]

Cyber News
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  • August 12, 2024

Taxonomy of Generative AI Misuse

Interesting paper: “Generative AI Misuse: A Taxonomy of Tactics and Insights from Real-World Data“: Generative, multimodal artificial intelligence (GenAI) offers transformative potential across industries, but its misuse poses significant risks. Prior research has shed light on the potential of advanced AI systems to be exploited for malicious purposes. However, we still lack a concrete understanding […]

Cyber News
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  • August 12, 2024

The BlackSuit ransomware gang has demanded over $500 million since 2022

Graham CLULEY August 12, 2024 Promo Protect all your devices, without slowing them down. Free 30-day trial A notorious ransomware group has demanded more than half a billion dollars from victims in less than two years. That staggering statistic has been made public in an update to a joint advisory issued by the US Cybersecurity […]

Cyber News