Cybersecurity New Topics
After all, it is routine, not an art Continue reading on The CISO Den »
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsAfter all, it is routine, not an art Continue reading on The CISO Den »
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsA set of 38 security vulnerabilities has been uncovered in wireless industrial internet of things (IIoT) devices from four different vendors that could pose a significant attack surface for threat actors looking to exploit operational technology (OT) environments. “Threat actors can exploit vulnerabilities in Wireless IIoT devices to gain initial access to internal OT networks,” […]
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsClosure of Hydra has major impact on underground sales
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsClosure of Hydra has major impact on underground sales
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsThis is a neat piece of historical research. The team of computer scientist George Lasry, pianist Norbert Biermann and astrophysicist Satoshi Tomokiyo—all keen cryptographers—initially thought the batch of encoded documents related to Italy, because that was how they were filed at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. However, they quickly realised the letters were in French. […]
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsThis is a neat piece of historical research. The team of computer scientist George Lasry, pianist Norbert Biermann and astrophysicist Satoshi Tomokiyo—all keen cryptographers—initially thought the batch of encoded documents related to Italy, because that was how they were filed at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. However, they quickly realised the letters were in French. […]
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsWhen Ubiquiti suffered a hack the world assumed it was just a regular security breach, but the truth was much stranger… why are police happy that criminals keep using end-to-end encrypted messaging systems… and why is the Apple Watch being accused of crying wolf? All this and much much more is discussed in the latest […]
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsUK company set up to illegally profit from trade in protective equipment
Cyber News, Cyber Threat TrendsUkraine braced for more critical infrastructure attacks
Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends