Cyber Defense Advisors

Month: October 2023

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  • October 12, 2023

How this year’s Black Hat NOC leveraged AI to defend the event

This year’s Black Hat USA conference saw more than 907M threat events detected in real time, according to data collected by Palo Alto Networks. This is a staggering number that shows just how attractive the event is to threat actors – and artificial intelligence (AI) was a key driver in protecting against these attempts. With […]

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends
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  • October 12, 2023

The Cyberwar Between the East and the West Goes Through Africa

By working cooperatively, the West and Africa can mobilize to tackle nation-state-backed cyber threats.

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends
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  • October 12, 2023

found character ‘t’ that cannot start any token

Error when copying and redeploying AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEc2Role from IAM Console Continue reading on Bugs That Bite »

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends
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  • October 12, 2023

CloudFormation for AWS Batch Roles and Policies

ACM.333 Creating reusable roles and policies where possible for AWS Batch ECS EC2 compute environment Continue reading on Cloud Security »

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends
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  • October 12, 2023

Bug on AWS Batch Jobs Screen

No jobs appear in the list until I refresh the screen Continue reading on Bugs That Bite »

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends