Cyber Defense Advisors

Month: July 2023

European Commission to Tweak GDPR For Cross-Border Cases

Rules will streamline cooperation between data protection authorities

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends

European Commission to Tweak GDPR For Cross-Border Cases

Rules will streamline cooperation between data protection authorities

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends

Security Experts Raise Major Concerns With Online Safety Bill

Open letter signed by 68 leading security and privacy researchers

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends

Security Experts Raise Major Concerns With Online Safety Bill

Open letter signed by 68 leading security and privacy researchers

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends

Security Experts Raise Major Concerns With Online Safety Bill

Open letter signed by 68 leading security and privacy researchers

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends

Report Reveals Companies Unprepared For Darknet Data Leaks

Kaspersky said European firms were most frequently affected, accounting for 25% of notifications

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends
  • by
  • July 5, 2023

Ghostscript bug could allow rogue documents to run system commands

Even if you’ve never heard of the venerable Ghostscript project, you may have it installed without knowing.

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends
  • by
  • July 5, 2023

Swedish Data Protection Authority Warns Companies Against Google Analytics Use

The Swedish data protection watchdog has warned companies against using Google Analytics due to risks posed by U.S. government surveillance, following similar moves by Austria, France, and Italy last year. The development comes in the aftermath of an audit initiated by the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY) against four companies CDON, Coop, Dagens Industri, and Tele2. “In […]

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends

Report Reveals Companies Unprepared For Darknet Data Leaks

Kaspersky said European firms were most frequently affected, accounting for 25% of notifications

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends