Cyber Defense Advisors


Making iPhones and iPads crash with a Flipper Zero

Want to crash someone’s iPhone or iPad? Turns out it’s not that tricky, if you have a Flipper Zero. The Flipper Zero, a “Swiss Army knife” tool for geeks and penetration testers, can be used to bombard devices with bogus Bluetooth connection requests, which – if they’re running iOS 17 – can crash them. One […]

Cyber News

Get 3 Years of Rock-Solid Protection With Surfshark VPN for $67.20 by 11/9

Find out more about why Surfshark VPN is a great choice for your digital privacy. Get advantage of this limited time offer by using code VPN20 at checkout.

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends
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  • November 8, 2023

Guide: How vCISOs, MSPs and MSSPs Can Keep their Customers Safe from Gen AI Risks

Download the free guide, “It’s a Generative AI World: How vCISOs, MSPs and MSSPs Can Keep their Customers Safe from Gen AI Risks.” ChatGPT now boasts anywhere from 1.5 to 2 billion visits per month. Countless sales, marketing, HR, IT executive, technical support, operations, finance and other functions are feeding data prompts and queries into […]

Cyber News

Cancer treatments cancelled after Canadian hospitals hit by ransomware attack

Graham CLULEY November 08, 2023 Promo Protect all your devices, without slowing them down. Free 30-day trial A ransomware attack impacting five hospitals in southwestern Ontario, Canada, has seen hackers gain access to a database containing 5.6 million patient visits, and the social insurance numbers of over 1400 employees. The attack against IT service provider […]

Cyber News
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  • November 8, 2023

Webinar: Kickstarting Your SaaS Security Strategy & Program

SaaS applications make up 70% of total company software usage, and as businesses increase their reliance on SaaS apps, they also increase their reliance on those applications being secure. These SaaS apps store an incredibly large volume of data so safeguarding the organization’s SaaS app stack and data within is paramount. Yet, the path to […]

Cyber News
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  • November 8, 2023

Experts Expose Farnetwork’s Ransomware-as-a-Service Business Model

Cybersecurity researchers have unmasked a prolific threat actor known as farnetwork, who has been linked to five different ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) programs over the past four years in various capacities. Singapore-headquartered Group-IB, which attempted to infiltrate a private RaaS program that uses the Nokoyawa ransomware strain, said it underwent a “job interview” process with the threat […]

Cyber News
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  • November 8, 2023

Software Complexity Bedevils Mainframe Security

The high-performance and resilient platforms satisfy critical roles, but software complexity and the graying of the specialist workforce are creating security challenges.

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends

Speedify Review 2023: Features, Security & Performance

Speedify VPN offers speed-centered features that may not make up for its lack of security and pricey plan. Find out how this VPN measured up in our review.

Cyber News, Cyber Threat Trends