Cyber Defense Advisors

Who is Required to Comply With the FINRA Compliance Requirements?

Who is Required to Comply With the FINRA Compliance Requirements?

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is a self-regulatory organization that plays a critical role in overseeing and regulating the activities of broker-dealers, registered representatives, and associated persons within the financial industry. Compliance with FINRA requirements is essential for maintaining market integrity, protecting investors, and ensuring ethical conduct. In this article, we will explore who is required to comply with the FINRA compliance requirements and provide an overview of the various entities and individuals encompassed by these obligations. 

  1. Broker-Dealers:

Broker-dealers are entities engaged in the business of buying and selling securities on behalf of clients or for their own account. They are required to register with FINRA and comply with its rules and regulations. Compliance obligations for broker-dealers include licensing and registration, maintenance of accurate books and records, adherence to anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, implementation of suitability and know-your-customer (KYC) standards, and adherence to communication and advertising guidelines. 

  1. Registered Representatives:

Registered representatives are individuals associated with a broker-dealer who engage in the sale and purchase of securities on behalf of clients. They must hold the necessary licenses and registrations to operate within the industry. Registered representatives are subject to FINRA compliance requirements, including licensing and registration, adherence to suitability and KYC standards, compliance with communication and advertising rules, and adherence to the code of ethics and professional conduct. 

  1. Associated Persons:

Associated persons refer to individuals, other than registered representatives, who are employed by or otherwise associated with a FINRA-registered broker-dealer. This category includes individuals involved in back-office operations, support staff, compliance officers, and other roles within the broker-dealer firm. Associated persons are subject to various compliance obligations, including licensing and registration (if required), adherence to AML regulations, communication and advertising guidelines, and adherence to the code of ethics and professional conduct. 

  1. Investment Advisers:

While investment advisers primarily fall under the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or state securities regulators, some firms may be dually registered as broker-dealers and investment advisers or have associated persons involved in investment advisory services. In such cases, compliance with FINRA regulations may be necessary for these investment advisers in relation to their broker-dealer activities. This includes compliance with licensing, AML, communication, and advertising requirements, among others. 

  1. Clearing Firms:

Clearing firms play a crucial role in facilitating the settlement and clearing of securities transactions. They handle the back-office functions related to trade clearing, record-keeping, and custody of securities. Clearing firms also fall under the purview of FINRA and must comply with its regulations. Compliance obligations for clearing firms include licensing and registration, AML compliance, record-keeping requirements, and adherence to communication and advertising rules. 

Compliance with the FINRA compliance requirements is necessary for various entities and individuals within the financial industry, including broker-dealers, registered representatives, associated persons, investment advisers, and clearing firms. By adhering to these requirements, market participants contribute to safeguarding investor interests, promoting market integrity, and maintaining ethical conduct. Understanding who is required to comply with these regulations is crucial for ensuring full compliance with FINRA rules and regulations, thereby fostering a healthy and transparent financial market environment. 

Contact Cyber Defense Advisors to learn more about our FINRA Compliance Assessment process.