Cyber Defense Advisors

Simplify Your CIS-Based Risk Assessments

Simplify Your CIS-Based Risk Assessments

The world of cybersecurity is a maze of acronyms, terminology, and intricate processes. Among them, the Center for Internet Security’s Critical Security Controls (CIS CSC) stands out as a pivotal guidepost for organizations aiming to fortify their cybersecurity postures. If you’ve been handed the task of incorporating CIS into your risk assessments, the prospect can be daunting. Yet, there are ways to simplify this seemingly overwhelming process.

Why CIS Critical Security Controls Matter

To appreciate the value of CIS CSC, it’s essential to understand their function. These controls offer a prioritized set of actions that help guard against the most pervasive cyber threats. They are derived from actual attack data and represent a consensus-driven set of best practices among cybersecurity experts. By focusing on these controls, organizations can mitigate a significant number of cybersecurity risks.

The Power of Prioritization

One of the standout features of the CIS controls is prioritization. Instead of blindly diving into the world of cybersecurity, you have a structured roadmap of which measures yield the most significant results. To simplify your risk assessments:

  1. Begin at the Start: Concentrate on the initial controls. The first few controls address foundational aspects of security, such as inventory and control of hardware and software assets. By securing these, you’re already making substantial strides.
  2. Progress Gradually: Don’t feel pressured to implement all controls simultaneously. It’s more manageable, and often more effective, to progressively integrate them based on your organization’s specific needs and capabilities.

The Need for Automation

As organizations grow, manual risk assessments become increasingly tedious and error-prone. Automation is the key:

  1. Leverage Assessment Tools: Numerous tools can assist with CIS-based assessments. Some of these are designed specifically around the CIS controls, offering guided evaluations and actionable insights.
  2. Integrate with Your Existing Infrastructure: Instead of looking at CIS controls in isolation, integrate them with your current systems. Tools like SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) can help correlate data and streamline assessment processes.

Tailor to Your Organization

While CIS controls are universally applicable, each organization has unique attributes:

  1. Understand Your Environment: Familiarize yourself with your IT landscape. What software are you using? What hardware assets are crucial? By understanding these aspects, you can better align the controls with your specific situation.
  2. Engage Stakeholders: Security isn’t just an IT concern. Engage departments across your organization to ensure that the controls are implemented in a manner that supports business operations without causing unnecessary disruptions.

Continuous Review and Refinement

Risk assessments aren’t one-off tasks. Threat landscapes evolve, as do organizational needs:

  1. Stay Updated: With technology and threat dynamics changing rapidly, it’s crucial to keep abreast of updates to the CIS controls.
  2. Reassess Regularly: Make it a habit to revisit your risk assessments at regular intervals, adjusting your approach based on new findings, threats, or organizational changes.

Harness the Community

Remember, you’re not alone in your cybersecurity journey:

  1. Join Forums and Groups: Several online communities and forums are dedicated to CIS and broader cybersecurity topics. By joining these, you can tap into collective wisdom, get answers to specific queries, and share your own experiences.
  2. Collaborate: Partner with other organizations in your industry or region. Joint workshops, training sessions, and knowledge-sharing initiatives can provide fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to common challenges.


CIS-based risk assessments, while invaluable, can initially appear overwhelming. However, by prioritizing controls, leveraging automation, tailoring strategies to your organization, regularly reviewing your stance, and harnessing the broader community, the process becomes not only manageable but also more effective.

Ultimately, the goal isn’t just to check boxes but to ensure that your organization is resilient against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Simplifying your approach to CIS-based risk assessments is not about taking shortcuts but about achieving robust security through clarity, focus, and consistent effort.

Contact Cyber Defense Advisors to learn more about our CIS-Based Risk Assessment solutions.