Cyber Defense Advisors

Cyber Blog Series by Teri Radichel

Cybersecurity, Cloud Security, Software Development

I decided to summarize all my blog posts series here because with close to 500 posts I’m finding it harder and harder to find something I wrote in the past that I want to reference.

Blog posts arranged by recurring topics below…

Cybersecurity for Executives

Series complete. I published a book which has some additional information and a lot of editing. Cybersecurity for Executives in the Age of Cloud. If you liked this series, book purchases and positive reviews on Amazon are very much appreciated!

Cybersecurity for Executives: Table of ContentsCybersecurity for Executives in the Age of Cloud

Secure Software Development

This series is complete. A book with additional information is in progress.

Secure Code By Design

Automating Cloud Security Metrics

This series is in progress and has an associated GitHub repository.

Automating Cybersecurity Metrics (ACM)GitHub – tradichel/SecurityMetricsAutomation

Cloud Security Architecture

Here’s a compilation of posts on cloud security architecture.

Cloud Security Architecture

Network Security

Posts here on network security for cloud, home and small business offices.

Network Security

Machine Learning for Security

This series on my exploration of machine learning in relation to cybersecurity starts here…follow the links.

Security & Machine Learning — Part 1

Golang and Cybersecurity

I started using golang. I didn’t quite finish what I started. Hope to get back to this later. So many topics, so little time! Follow the links. The second post is pretty popular.

Security Benefits of Golang Concurrency

Cloud Security for Developers

I wrote a series for aCloudGuru on cybersecurity for developers. They seem to have deleted it. I have the content around here somewhere and may republish it later. It’s a frequent topic on IANS Consulting Calls

Cloud Security for Developers


Follow the links starting with this post to get my take on scrum after 25 years of software development and project management experience. Been through waterfall, extreme programming, agile, scrum, etc. etc. It usually boils down to common sense not a magic formula but this may help.

Simple Scrum: Part 1

Cybersecurity for the Real Estate and Mortgage Industry

After purchasing a home I experienced a lot of cybersecurity issues and wrote about them in this series. It started out mainly focusing on the mortgage industry but then led into issues with real estate security when attempting to complete the transaction and even IRS website site problems. Since then I attempted to get a refinance and went through the same issues all over again. The mortgage industry, banks, and credit unions really need more secure methods for document transfer — that work. Follow the links starting with this one.

Cybersecurity for the Mortgage Industry — Part 1

Cloud Governance

I’ve written a number of posts on Cloud Governance. The book I wrote at the end of this series is really all about governance and risk management at an executive level when you get down to it. My latest blog series is really about implementation of governance and risk management on AWS. I have a few standalone posts on cloud governance as well.

Cloud GovernanceGovernance Foundations in the Cloud

In my latest blog series I explain why you should not be relying on policy documents — based on personal experience and how organizations can cerate more effective policies that actually stop breaches.

Stop Writing Paper Policies

I started writing a new class using AWS Control Tower and SSO and hit some glitches. There are things I simply cannot do with AWS SSO that I need to do to securely perform penetration tests and assessments on customer accounts. Maybe that will change with the new AWS Identity Center, but I wrote about some of the challenges here.

Wishlist for Cloud Governance

AWS re:Invent is right around the corner so we’ll see if anything new comes out for AWS IAM, governance, and security for organizations with multiple accounts and the need to enforce MFA in certain scenarios that are not currently possible.

Cloud Data Breaches

A few posts with some thoughts and analysis on cloud data breaches.

Cloud Security

Cloud Penetration Testing and Security Assessments

2nd Sight Lab offers cloud, application, and cloud product security assessments and penetration tests. I write about things I learn along the way occasionally.

Cloud Security

Cybersecurity Book Reviews

Although I don’t have as much time for reading or listening to books as I would like I try to write reviews for some of them along the way.

Cloud Security

Woman in Cyber

Random posts written over time. Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs. Lessons learned and perspectives. An annual look back and the prior year.

Cloud Security

Teri Radichel

If you liked this story please clap and follow:


Medium: Teri Radichel or Email List: Teri Radichel
Twitter: @teriradichel or @2ndSightLab
Requests services via LinkedIn: Teri Radichel or IANS Research


© 2nd Sight Lab 2022



Cybersecurity for Executives in the Age of Cloud on Amazon

Need Cloud Security Training? 2nd Sight Lab Cloud Security Training

Is your cloud secure? Hire 2nd Sight Lab for a penetration test or security assessment.

Have a Cybersecurity or Cloud Security Question? Ask Teri Radichel by scheduling a call with IANS Research.

Cybersecurity & Cloud Security Resources by Teri Radichel: Cybersecurity and Cloud security classes, articles, white papers, presentations, and podcasts

Cyber Blog Series by Teri Radichel was originally published in Cloud Security on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.