Cyber Defense Advisors

Check the Blog for Updates to Stories Sent in Emails

A recommendation for my email subscribers, due to Medium limitations

Just a note to my email list subscribers. For anything I write, you will probably want to check the blog for any updates when you read the posts.

Medium will not let me send a link only in email unless I put a paywall in front of my stories and I would rather not do that. The things I publish on my blog are for anyone to read.

Sometimes I think of something I forgot or rephrase something after I think about it a bit more. Other times a reader will ask me a question or make a point that makes me reconsider something I wrote.

I published my most recent post accidentally before I was ready and just added some additional context. In generally if you can read the post on the website instead of in email you will always be getting the most up to date information.

Thanks for reading!