Cyber Defense Advisors

Can’t connect to Internet after updating to Ventura

Little Snitch causes a problem with networking after update

After updating one of my laptops to Apple’s latest MacOS version — Ventura — I couldn’t connect to the Internet. Oddly I rebooted and could connect for a minute but then I was blocked again.

I also noticed that I could not turn on Little Snitch, my Mac firewall.

Ultimately the problem had something to do with Little Snitch.

I went to my wifi settings.

Switched to Network. Clicked on Filters.

Click on Little Snitch. Click the minus sign.

Once the filter was disabled I could get on the Internet again.

To resolve the problem with Little Snitch I updated it to the latest version and then I could start it again.

Teri Radichel

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Can’t connect to Internet after updating to Ventura was originally published in Bugs That Bite on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.