Cyber Defense Advisors

Azure Payment Method UI Design Doesn’t Make Sense

Apparently my Azure account was blocked because I changed my business card from a travel card to a cash back card and the old card was associated with that account.

So I re-login and attempt to change my payment methods by navigating to “My Microsoft Account.”

Seems logical, right?

And yes, there are my payment methods. Cool.

So I add a payment method for the new card on this screen:

But when I try to delete the old card it won’t let me. It says that card is associated with Azure. Why in the world can I just not manage this all from one place? I am all for separation of duties but the accounting department generally controls the payment methods don’t they?

So I navigate over to Azure and it’s even more strange.

I would expect to be able to select my new payment method here, but no. I have to re-enter it all over again.

That makes no sense because if I have separate card entries here that are completely separate from my primary account, why can’t I delete the card listed under my primary account?

Really, these payment methods should only be managed in one place. This is going to lead to problems for organizations one way or another if they don’t realize people have the ability to enter different cards in once place versus another.

Then, when I try to delete the card I get this. Where did the billing profile “test test” get created. Did I do that? Even though I added a new card I can’t delete this one and there’s no way to specify that the new cards is the default when I create it (unless I missed it). I can’t “Detach” for the same reasons, so let’s choose Replace.

Now I’m on this screen where I have to redundantly click “Replace” again.

After that I can select the new card and then I can delete the new card. Seems like there’s some UI improvements in order.

Mostly I find that Azure’s UI design is decent, but this is just odd.

Teri Radichel

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Azure Payment Method UI Design Doesn’t Make Sense was originally published in Bugs That Bite on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.