Cyber Defense Advisors

A Few Highlights from Amazon re:Invent 2022

Some new services and tools I found interesting…

This is one of my posts on AWS Security.

These are a few things that caught my eye in the AWS re:Invent 2022 keynote by Adam Selipsky. I tend to focus on things related to cybersecurity. He started out announcing various big data processing and machine learning features and tools that didn’t really apply to me personally but you might be interested to check out the whole talk here if that’s your thing.

It was also pretty cool to see a 2nd Sight Lab customer speaking in the AWS re:Invent keynote!

Amazon DataZone

Tries to solve the age-old problem of finding data within a company. I’ve been involved with projects to solve this problem more than once. Will be interesting to see if it really works and all the times this was tried over and over again at companies where I worked the solution was always partially successful and sometimes ultimately not used.

Set up catalogs and taxonomies.

Uses machine learning to find and categorize data. Search in human terms.

He mentioned this too is supposed to help with governance but didn’t say how it prevents unauthorized access. As a security professional, I would want to test this out and explore if it opens up access to data it should not.

Amazon QuickSight Q

Ask Q a question and it will create your visualizations for you.

Container Runtime Threat Detection in GuardDuty

C2 channel detection, etc. Sounds great! Need to try it out.

AWS Security Lake

Store data in the OCF standard ~ More than 50 security tools supported.

Query the data with Amazon Athena, Amazon OpenSearch, Amazon SageMaker.

Will probably try this out in conjunction with my latest series on Automated CyberSecurity Metrics leveraging AWS.

Automating Cybersecurity Metrics (ACM)

AWS Hardware

This wasn’t really new but he covered some of the custom hardware AWS has built to support virtual machines that run on the platform.

New network instance — up to 200GB. Good for packet processing.

SIMSpace Weaver

I’m likely not going to use this but I imagine that money you spent on AWS DeepRacer contributed to this. :D. I did a few blog posts on Machine Learning for Security and tried out the virtual version of DeepRacer (and tried to put together a car but I’m not a hardware person!)

AWS Supply Chain

An application to help you manage supply chain issues. I don’t know if this is really security related but hopefully eventually will help with that too. But many companies are having manufacturing delays due to supply chain issues. I just read about a company that didn’t even realize they had a supply chain issue until a few days until they were supposed to deliver and as a result missed a product delivery, earnings, and their stock tanked as a result. This might help.

AWS Clean Rooms

Analyze data where it lies without moving it. Promotes collaboration between companies that need to share data. “Keeps data encrypted as processed.” Technically — really? I imagine it is not actually encrypted it’s just in a space where you can’t access it while processed like an AWS Nitro Enclave.

Identity resolution

Trying to share customer data while protecting customer data.

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Teri Radichel

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A Few Highlights from Amazon re:Invent 2022 was originally published in Cloud Security on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.