Cyber Defense Advisors

Report: 65% of Employees Are Breaking Cybersecurity Rules—Opening the Door to Catastrophic Breaches

Report: 65% of Employees Are Breaking Cybersecurity Rules—Opening the Door to Catastrophic Breaches

Reused passwords, skipped patches, and shared
how they’re putting your company at risk

A new study reveals that two-thirds of employees are ignoring security protocols, turning your cybersecurity into Swiss cheese.

A recent survey by CyberArk uncovered a startling reality: 65% of employees admit to bypassing company security measures in the name of efficiency. While that might keep the deadlines rolling, it’s opening doors for hackers to stroll right in.

Password reuse? Check. Unpatched devices? Check. Sharing confidential information with outsiders? Double check.

These risky shortcuts might seem harmless to employees under pressure to deliver, but they’re turning businesses into sitting ducks for cyberattacks.

Here are some eyebrow-raising stats from the survey:

  • 49% of workers reuse passwords across work applications (and even personal accounts).
  • 36% delay installing security patches on their personal devices, leaving them wide open to threats.
  • 52% admit to sharing confidential workplace information with external parties.

And here’s the kicker: 80% of employees access workplace applications from personal devices that often lack basic security protections. You know, the same devices they use to scroll Instagram and download questionable apps.

The problem? Security protocols often feel like speed bumps in a Formula 1 race. Employees see them as obstacles standing in the way of hitting their targets. Long passwords, multi-factor authentication, and patch updates? They’re about as popular as a Monday morning meeting.

Add in the pressure of tight deadlines, and cybersecurity becomes the last thing on their minds. Many workers simply don’t realize that their “little shortcuts” could lead to massive breaches.

The “convenience vs. security” dilemma is a growing challenge. Even the most advanced systems can’t protect a company when the weakest link is human behavior. That’s why businesses must tackle the root causes of this behavior:

  1. Educate employees about how their actions affect cybersecurity.
  2. Streamline protocols to balance security with productivity.
  3. Monitor usage of personal devices and third-party tools like AI applications, which are becoming a new frontier for data leaks.

At Cyber Defense Advisors, we know that humans, not technology, are the linchpin of cybersecurity. This alarming report is a stark reminder: the best defenses are only as good as the people following them. That’s why we focus on helping organizations create a culture of security and teamwork—empowering employees to become the first line of defense against threats while fostering collaboration to mitigate risks effectively.

Need help designing a cybersecurity strategy that works with your team—not against them? We’ve got you covered.

Contact us for expert guidance on protecting your systems and data.