Cyber Defense Advisors

Facebook’s Extensive Surveillance Network

@ lurker, ALL,

Re : You are even if you think not.

“It would be interesting to compare with subjects who do not participate in FB. I believe there are sufficient to be statistically significant.”

What do you mean by “do not participate in FB”?

If you go to any website with a FaceBook logo, the chances are it has a lot of data grabbing javascript behind it that slurps up anything it can and “sends it back to the mothership” one way or another.

Using the Internet like a normal person almost certainly makes you a “participant” unless you take a lot of extra preventative steps (which can be hard enough for experts in Op-Sec to follow and stick to).

But also if those that know you are stupid enough to mention you or tag you in an image then “you’ve been participated” and there is little you can do.

More than a quater century ago I had a major falling out with part of my family because they sent my details to a loonie religion based next door to the NSA site in Utah. I’ve never forgiven them nor will I ever do so. They were told I did not want my details sent off, in their stupidity they ignored my telling them not just “no” but the reasons why I said “No”.

As the old saying –1862 or earlier– has it,

“Stupid is as stupid does”

Thus in the past,

“Behave like a(n) XXX get treated like a(n) XXX.”

Where XXX could be clown, criminal, fool, idiot, traitor, etc… ie a very long list of human often grevious failings. Was seen as a justified comment.

But with hundreds if not now thousands of psychologists, psychiatrists and worse being paid fortunes to come up with ways to hide the manipulation of people from the people since the 1980’s it’s almost impossible to lead anything close to a “now normal” life without inadvertently becoming ensared in US Mega Corp webs.

As thos Silicon Valley Mega Corps appeare to be the only thing that the US Economy spins around these days, as far as legislators are concerned even though they have gone beyond “Too Big to Fail” into some “Existential to the American Dream” zone that’s OK…

So don’t be surprised if the US declares war on any Soverign Nation for a “bomb back to the stone ages with itemized 90day to pay bill” treatment simply because that Soverign Nation actually puts a serious dent in those Mega-Corps, thus holes in US legislators pockets.

Ever wonder why the Zuckerberg “has no neighbours?”[1] it’s because he knows there are sufficient people that would give him “high velocity lead poisoning”, or if they could, kidnap him for ransom or just a little “nut spinning” revenge etc.

Also look into Bill Gates underground complexes stocked for “doomsday”… Where his idea of doomsday might not be the same as yours.

Likewise other Tech-Bro multi-billionairs who now have land in “the last bus stop to the south pole” and second nationality to just “drop-in” if and when required.

From a “game theory” perspective they are not “paranoid conspiracy nuts” but actually “rational actors” as many have more wealth and power than those questionable heads of state…

Let’s be honest how would you behave if you awoke in your bed to find some “alleged nut job” standing by / sitting on it[2]?

It was a time shortly after when alledged ex UK millitary “special forces” went after those abroad[3] for reasons that on balance were probably paid for by those seaking publicity stunts to fill newspapers with “Positive Political News” (see Princrss Margeret getting grabbed by a man in a Wolf Suit who was actually payed by a Daily Mail Employee to do so).

[1] Dress it up how you want,

The fact is the “privacy” of his ten homes is a “Protection” / “buffer” zone to keep the crazies away from poping him and potentially give security a “kill zone” that would have to be crossed by any potential crazies or more organised hostiles with intent.

[2] It happend to the UK’s Queen Elisabeth II back in Summer 1982, and some stories say he sat on the bed others say he did not,

[3] Ronnie Biggs one of the minors in the Great Train Robbery had escaped abroad a decade or so before, and had a child in Brazil that put him beyond “extradition”. These were times when “Thatcher” was starting to become “Mad Maggie” with a succession of “might is right” court cases that went wrong and some times hilariously so…

Any way there were several kidnap attempts on Ronnie, that were poorly planed and executed, suggesting those involved were not the brightest light bulbs in the corridor…