Cyber Defense Advisors

A CIS-Based Risk Assessment Checklist

A CIS-Based Risk Assessment Checklist

Cybersecurity has never been more critical as organizations increasingly digitize their operations. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) provides a framework of best practices designed to help organizations protect their systems and data from cyber threats. A CIS-Based Risk Assessment checklist serves as an instrumental tool for organizations seeking to evaluate their cybersecurity posture and improve their defenses. 

The Essence of CIS 
The Center for Internet Security (CIS) has developed a set of 20 critical security controls that serve as a blueprint for organizations to bolster their cybersecurity. These controls, ranging from inventory and control of hardware assets to data protection and incident response, are designed to provide a structured approach to information security and compliance. The foundation of a CIS-based risk assessment checklist lies in evaluating the implementation of these controls within an organization. 

  1. Inventory and Control of Hardware Assets

Checklist Item: Does the organization maintain an accurate and up-to-date inventory of all hardware assets? 

Risk Assessment: Unaccounted hardware assets can serve as entry points for cyber attackers. Ensuring accurate inventory helps in identifying unauthorized devices and mitigating risks associated with them. 

  1. Inventory and Control of Software Assets

Checklist Item: Is there a comprehensive inventory of authorized software, and are unauthorized installations promptly removed? 

Risk Assessment: Unauthorized software can introduce vulnerabilities. Regular audits and controls are necessary to avoid potential security breaches. 

  1. Continuous Vulnerability Management

Checklist Item: Does the organization regularly conduct vulnerability assessments and promptly remediate identified vulnerabilities? 

Risk Assessment: Delayed remediation of vulnerabilities can lead to exploitation by cyber attackers, resulting in data breaches and system compromises. 

  1. Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges

Checklist Item: Are administrative privileges granted sparingly, and is their use monitored and controlled? 

Risk Assessment: Uncontrolled use of administrative privileges can lead to unauthorized access and potential malicious activities. 

  1. Secure Configuration for Hardware and Software

Checklist Item: Are security configurations maintained, and is there a process to manage configuration changes? 

Risk Assessment: Misconfigurations can lead to system vulnerabilities, creating opportunities for unauthorized access and data breaches. 

  1. Maintenance, Monitoring, and Analysis of Audit Logs

Checklist Item: Are audit logs actively maintained, monitored, and analyzed for suspicious activity? 

Risk Assessment: Lack of proper log analysis can result in unnoticed malicious activities, leading to prolonged periods of compromise. 

  1. Email and Web Browser Protections

Checklist Item: Are adequate security measures in place to protect email systems and web browsers from phishing and malicious downloads? 

Risk Assessment: Email and web browsers are common attack vectors; thus, inadequate protections can lead to malware infections and data breaches. 

  1. Malware Defenses

Checklist Item: Are anti-malware solutions installed, updated, and monitored across the organization? 

Risk Assessment: Inadequate malware defenses can lead to system infections, data loss, and operational disruptions. 

  1. Limitation and Control of Network Ports

Checklist Item: Are unnecessary network ports and services disabled, and is network traffic monitored for suspicious activities? 

Risk Assessment: Open ports and services can serve as entry points for attacks, leading to unauthorized access and data exfiltration. 

  1. Data Recovery Capabilities

Checklist Item: Does the organization have a robust data backup and recovery plan in place? 

Risk Assessment: Lack of data recovery capabilities can result in permanent data loss in case of ransomware attacks or system failures. 

  1. Secure Configuration for Network Devices

Checklist Item: Are network devices securely configured, and are changes controlled and monitored? 

Risk Assessment: Insecure network devices can be exploited, compromising the integrity and confidentiality of the network. 

  1. Boundary Defense

Checklist Item: Are network boundaries defended through firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and proactive monitoring? 

Risk Assessment: Weak boundary defenses can allow attackers to penetrate the network, resulting in unauthorized access and data breaches. 

  1. Data Protection

Checklist Item: Is sensitive data encrypted both at rest and in transit, and are access controls in place? 

Risk Assessment: Unprotected sensitive data is vulnerable to unauthorized access, leading to potential breaches and compliance violations. 

  1. Controlled Access Based on the Need to Know

Checklist Item: Are access controls implemented based on user roles and responsibilities, and is access monitored? 

Risk Assessment: Lack of controlled access can lead to unauthorized data access and potential leakage of sensitive information. 

  1. Wireless Access Control

Checklist Item: Are wireless networks secured, and is access to them controlled and monitored? 

Risk Assessment: Insecure wireless networks can be exploited, leading to unauthorized access and potential data breaches. 

  1. Account Monitoring and Control

Checklist Item: Are user accounts, especially those with special privileges, monitored for suspicious activities? 

Risk Assessment: Unmonitored accounts can be misused, leading to unauthorized activities and potential security incidents. 

  1. Security Skills Assessment and Appropriate Training

Checklist Item: Is there a regular assessment of security skills, and are employees provided with necessary training? 

Risk Assessment: Lack of training and skills can result in employees being susceptible to phishing and other social engineering attacks. 

  1. Application Software Security

Checklist Item: Are security measures integrated into the software development lifecycle, and is application software regularly audited for vulnerabilities? 

Risk Assessment: Vulnerable application software can be exploited, leading to system compromises and data breaches. 

  1. Incident Response and Management

Checklist Item: Does the organization have an incident response plan in place, and is it tested regularly? 

Risk Assessment: Ineffective incident response can result in delayed detection and mitigation of security incidents, increasing the impact on the organization. 

  1. Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises

Checklist Item: Are regular penetration tests conducted, and are red team exercises employed to test the organization’s defenses? 

Risk Assessment: Failure to identify and address vulnerabilities through proactive testing can leave the organization exposed to potential cyber-attacks. 

Incorporating a CIS-based risk assessment checklist is imperative for organizations striving to fortify their cybersecurity posture. By systematically evaluating the implementation of the CIS controls, organizations can identify potential vulnerabilities, assess risks, and implement remediation strategies to safeguard their assets. Balancing technological advancements with robust cybersecurity practices is essential to thrive in today’s digital landscape. 

Contact Cyber Defense Advisors to learn more about our CIS-Based Risk Assessment solutions.