Cyber Defense Advisors

Can’t install ChmodBPF on MacOS

Problem with Wireshark installation on Apple Ventura MacOS

Just ran across this issue and seems like a bug, but not sure if it’s in MacOS or Wireshark land.

When installing Wireshark as administrative user on Apple Mac OS I installed ChmodBPF multiple times and got no error message. Yet, Wireshark continued to report that ChmodBPF was not installed and I didn’t have permission to capture packets.

Turns out, you have to run it from terminal with sudo:

sudo /Library/Application Support/Wireshark/ChmodBPF/ChmodBPF

Solved the problem for me and hope Apple does not break the above in the future. A lot of security professionals will not be happy or able to do their jobs on a Mac.

Teri Radichel

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Education: BA Business, Master of Sofware Engineering, Master of Infosec
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Can’t install ChmodBPF on MacOS was originally published in Bugs That Bite on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.